The term ‘sustainable’ is heralded as commonly used eco-jargon that has renewed vigour since Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympics. In a nation struggling with air and water quality, it’s a young term, with many obstacles to overcome as it fully industrializes. Its popularity, however, has taken off, with sustainability embedded into many new town developments; simultaneous economic development, social progress and environmental protection are promoted in a unified way.
Dongtan, an example of such a susta
inable new town, currently has a virtually pristine ecosystem, a factor driving healthy development. Plans have been released by ARUP to return land that is currently cultivated back to its original wetland state. This creates a ‘buffer zone’ between the population, which is expected to rocket, and nature. It will also confirm a zone of increased biodiversity with the large range of native and migratory faunal species currently habitating the region. A total of 181 species of flora and fauna were witnessed at this site alone between 1997 and 2001, this study promoting the area for RAMSAR status. Migratory species are also common with birds on the Asia-Pacific migration route passing through Dongtan on their way from their winter habitat in Australia to their nesting grounds in Siberia.
Overall, the popularity of sustainable design and living must be realised in its entirety. Protection of land and animal and plant species plays a key role in such developments.
Overall, the popularity of sustainable design and living must be realised in its entirety. Protection of land and animal and plant species plays a key role in such developments.
Adams, J., 2008. China's Green Race Against Urban Surge.